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I don't know what happened, the button stop working?

I got softlocked in this situation. The next day button does nothing. Do you have any idea what the cause might be?

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I love the game, I was stuck 2 times and lost the last payment by one day 3 times (skill issue), but the concept and art style are just great!

Thank you for your feed back! I also realized the game was a little hard. So I've tried some balance changes that hopefully makes it a bit more fair.

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Fun, cozy game! Two small things: it'd be nice if you could click on tiles after placing them to see their effects again and a way to look at your map when choosing a new one

Also I got softlocked on the last payment where clicking next day did nothing except trees growing from tree plants

Thank You so much for the feed back. I've added the ability to check what tiles you've already placed do. However, I wasn't able to reproduce the bug you encountered. So, oh well  I guess  :\